Our body has three parts, they are upper, middle, and lower part. The upper part, there are head and neck. In our head we can see hair, forehead, eyebrow, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. We have one mouth. In our mouth there are teeth and tongue. In the middle part there are shoulder, hands, fingers, chest, back, and stomach. In the lower part there are thigh, leg, foot, toes and heel. We also have five sense in our body. They are eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. We can see with our eyes. We can hear with our ears. We can taste with our tongue. We can smell with our nose. We also can fell with our skin.
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Shoulder in Indonesian is...
I...my teeth with tooth paste and tooth brush
My sister use lipstick on her...
My skins is one of the five...
My brother listen to the radio with his...
I see beautiful scenery with my...
There are tongue and...in our mouth
The girls use necklace on her...
The boys kick the ball with their...
My eyes is on my...
Alis in English is...
Siku in English is...
Lutut in English is...
The teeth is in our...
Budi washes his...with shampoo
Elbow in Indonesian is...
We taste the food with our...
My...are white
There are ten...on my hands
We have...legs